1.You could either use the base set of command line options or you could use those options and a . rdp connection file.
2.A rectangular column with a capital and base, set into a wall as an ornamental motif.
3.When setting code access security permissions for a ClickOnce application, you need to start with a base set of permissions.
4.The metadata types have properties that further describe the state of the content beyond the base set of properties.
5.Describes how to start with a base set of permissions and add the permissions required by your application one at a time .
6.The Microsoft. NET Framework includes a base set of classes that provides an implementation of the XML Document Object Model (DOM).
7.The base set of classes required to run Java applications are the runtime Java classes, or the Java API.
8.This very quickly provides a base set of categories and terms that can then be further annotated and customized within the organization.
9.Your problem begins with a base set of patterns that are encoded with -1s and +1s.
10.DITA includes a base set of DTDs and framework that allows for specialization using derived DTDs and processing conventions.